Thank You!
Your generous gifts have helped our front-line caregivers to remain at the forefront of caring for people in our community.

Here are some of the ways you have helped our frontline team in our ongoing response to COVID-19:

  • More than 10,000 meals were donated to our front-line workers thanks to the generosity of our friends in the community.

  • Newly acquired Lab Equipment allows us to test and result for COVID-19 at Phelps Hospital with a turnaround time of less than 4 hours.

  • We increased our Negative Pressure Rooms from 14 to 91 by converting 77 rooms to Negative Pressure, the optimal environment for infection control

  • Phelps physicians used newly acquired oxygen hoods to reduce the need for ventilators

  • You helped us to meet the surge in demand for PPE and infection prevention equipment to protect and care for our workforce.

  • Smart Tablets have been used to facilitate virtual visits between patients and their physicians and to connect patients to loved ones while visitation is restricted or limited.

  • Phelps is offering resources to support our front-line workers including expanded, complimentary access to trained professionals through our employee assistance program and dedicated spaces for front line team members to rest, refuel and recharge.

Ongoing support of the COVID-19 Response Fund will help us to:

  • Provide Recovery and Wellness Resources for Phelps front-line healthcare workers

  • Meet our goal of stocking a 90-day supply of PPE and Infection Prevention Equipment

Ways to make a gift:


Make a donation to our COVID-19 Response Fund

By Mail:

Make checks payable to “Phelps Hospital” and mail to:
Phelps Hospital 
One Phelps Lane 
Suite 106 
Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 

By Phone:

Call (914) 366-3107 to speak with one of our development officers.

Healthcare Heroes

First responders sound the alarm to honor crisis workers at Phelps Hospital

Heroes Notes

A collection of thank you notes and cards that were sent from the community to our frontline careworkers.

Thank you

Everyone at Phelps Hospital wants to thank you - whether you have contributed through donation, or are simply staying home to flatten the curve. Every act is appreciated and does not go unnoticed!

Words of Gratitude from Phelps patients

“Coming to the ER, I was so afraid not knowing what I was going into because of this virus, but my ER nurse really put me at ease. I'm just so thankful I met her that night.”

“I feel I received the best care and outcome possible. Very grateful for the great result!”

“What a great job you're all doing under such unprecedented conditions. Stay well!”

Sean from Security.jpg

Thank you, again, for your generosity. Through your support you are standing on the front lines with all of our healthcare heroes.